Thursday, March 5, 2009

A few more projects

These pics are of the carseat cover I'm working on. Im waiting for my minky dot fleece to come in to replace the stripes. I think it looks too busy. Next is my wipes case made with some extra material. I definately need to get better with a glue gun. Ouch!
Last is my diaper and wipes case it hold 2 size 6 diapers and a travel wipes case in seperate pockets. This is a prototype, I need to make a few changes.

I should be cleaning....

Instead of doing what I'm 

supposed to be doing, I am sewing, playing with my camera, and doing anything but. I am getting 
some cool pictures of Matts landscape and my "projects" up however. These are of Matthew's new "rescue pack" i tried to buy one but couldn't find what i was looking for anywhere. The other is the Boppy Cover I made. It was my first time using piping and I need some more practice.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

getting crafty

I know i need to update more often. I'm really gonna try. 

Its SNOWING in Charlotte right now. They are calling for 4-8 inches.
On to more interesting stuff....We still haven't picked a name for our son, thank goodness we have a few more months. I doubt we will ever agree.

We did, however agree on the fabric for the new carseat cover I am putting together. i am lovin the way its looking and will get pics up soon .I am searching everywhere for some minky dot fabric for the carseat cover. I finished the new boppy cover and also Matthew's "Rescue Pack" but i need to wait until the weather gets better to go get some fabric paint to get the face on it. I'm still trying to find a pattern for the "arm cushion thing" that goes on the carseat handle. I have found patterns for the diaper and wipes case, receiving blankets, wipes case cover, and a few others.

I think this is what they call "Nesting?"

Friday, January 16, 2009

SCUBA Diving

Who invented this crazy sport of hanging out underwater? I hate that I never get to see my husband.  He seems to go diving every damn weekend. What makes me really sad is that I used to miss him and now it feels normal not to have him around.  

Love is...
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